The Secrets to Better Project Start-ups

Several uniformed men standing next to each other. Faces are not seen. One holds a small case with the words "Top Secret" on the side.

This blog post will contain a series of videos discussing the values of Advanced Project Planning Practices. This page will be loaded from the top down to keep these videos in reverse chronological order. Video additions will be made on an ongoing basis.

Video 15 – Risk Management and Wrap Up

This is video #15 and the final episode in the series. This topic includes a short summary of the series and an overview of Risk Management (3:37 runtime).  Risk Management is an important companion process for planning and project management. Good risk management decreases the likelihood and impact of negative events.  It includes visualizing reasonable things that can go wrong.

Video 14 – Resources – Missed Stakeholder Groups

This is video #14 in the series. This topic finishes up the Resources area, discussing missed stakeholder groups (2:44 runtime).  Digging-in to find everyone impacted, both directly and indirectly can avoid obstacles and help promote adoption and sustain the changes.

Video 13 – Resources in M&A Projects

This is video #13 in the series, continuing the Resources area, calling out some of the people related challenges that can occur during acquisitions (2:21 runtime).  Samples include planning for new skills and services in the company and communication timing impacts.  Such challenges can be anticipated and avoided through advanced project planning practices.

Video 12 – Resources – Delivery Team

This is video #12 in this series, beginning the Resources area, talking about delivery team participants (2:51 runtime).  I provide a few samples of delivery resource related issues that caused unexpected obstacles and delays.  These could have been avoided through resource, impact and environment analysis.

Video 11 – Environment, Technology Dependencies

This is video #11 in this series and the topic is Environment, focusing on technology dependencies.  I provide a few samples of unexpected issues caused by core organizational technologies that did not meet the needs of the project.  If these were not explored and discovered as part of planning, delays and needs for creative workarounds could result.

Video 10 – Environment, M&A Considerations

This is video #10 in this series, “The Secrets to Better Project Start-ups”, in bite-sized chunks. This topic continues under the category of Environment, focusing on Mergers and Acquisitions projects (3:15 runtime).  It contains an inventory of just a few of the potential challenges that need special attention.

If you are a buyer, how deep does your integration planning go for your acquisitions?  Are you able to uncover the kinds of issues discussed in the video or is there pressure to cover valuation and close the deal with minimal analysis of operational complexity?

Video 9 – Environment, Governance and Third-Parties

This is the 9th in this series, continuing the Environment topic. Here I touch on governance processes and third-party partner relationships.

If you are working with one or more third-parties, especially with technology change initiatives, negotiating all details of how you will work together is important to ensure the project goes smoothly and everyone’s expectations are discussed.

Do you initiate these conversations with your partners during contract negotiations to avoid surprises once the project starts?

Video 8 – Environment Considerations and Impact

In Video 8, I talk about environment considerations and the potential impacts of missing important assessments. Originally posted on LinkedIn 5/25/22.

Video 7 – How do you do “Training”?

This is video 7 of the series. The topic is training, comparing “old school” to new robust Learning and Development approaches. The success of just sending someone to a class for a few days or giving them a self-study video has been proven to be poor. What are your most effective training practices? Originally posted on LinkedIn on 5/23/22.

Video 6 – CEO / Exec Sponsor Participation

This is video 6 of the series. Here, the topic is CEO/ Executive Sponsor participation in the change. This is part of realization of the Change Management Value Proposition. This participation is pivotal in anchoring the change throughout the organization and customers to set it up for success. Originally posted on LinkedIn on 5/18/22.

Video 5 – The Change Management Value Proposition

This is video five of the series. It begins the topic of the Change Management Value Proposition. Originally posted on LinkedIn 5/16/22.

Video 4 – Communications, Inconsistent Messaging

This fourth video of the series discusses the impacts of inconsistent messaging across an organization. Originally posted on LinkedIn 5/11/22.

Video 3 – Delayed Internal Communications

This third video of the series begins communications and change management. The topic here is impact of Delayed Internal Communications. Originally posted on LinkedIn 5/9/22.

Video 2 – Vision, Objectives, Future State and Transition, Continued

This second video of the series continues with Vision, Objectives, Future State and Transition, focusing on Transition Planning. Originally posted on LinkedIn 5/4/22.

Video 1 – Vision, Objectives, Future State and Transition, Introduction

This first video of the series introduces the format and discusses the importance of vision, objectives and target state. Originally posted on LinkedIn on 5/2/22.

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