Arete Global Solutions, LLC

It can be difficult to maintain good planning practices alongside increased pressure for momentum and rapid, tangible execution results, amidst constant change and competitive pressures. Complex projects, in complex environments, are no longer the exception, but the most common scenario we face.  This means that we cannot approach them in the same way we used to.
The first opportunity to try a “better way” is in the preparation and planning stage.  Unfortunately, teams may not be given the budget, permission, or encouragement to spend time on the types of planning and preparation that they should.  The consequences of lack of in-depth planning, at best, are headaches and issues to resolve, at worst budget, schedule and expectation breakdowns, disappointing sponsors, staff and customers alike.
Our Readiness Assurance© process combines the best of Project Management, Change Management and Process Design, and brings them together into a robust preparation discipline. This provides a fast and efficient evaluation and health check with assessment of impacts, the environment, and stakeholders wrapped in a focus on risk management.

Your organization’s success is dependent upon strategic, often transformational change, on a frequent basis.  These changes require a significant capital expense and impact your people and other assets in new and more interesting ways.

Don’t your projects deserve the best foundation to start from?

We are based out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, well positioned to provide services to local, national and global clients through remote and/or onsite support models.


We can support all aspects of change and transformation including project management, change management, process improvement, and business analysis.  Complementary to these disciplines is our distinctive advanced project planning practice, called Readiness Assurance©. Below are common scenarios where our expertise can be leveraged.


Ensuring the vision, objectives, people, tasks and timeline are all aligned to begin the project.

Idea to Realization

Have you ever had an important internal strategic initiative or great business idea that was stalled in moving from design phase or idea to reality?

Competing Projects

Have you ever felt the pressure of leading one critical project and you learn that you need to handle another equally pressing project that’s going to overwhelm your already stretched time and resources?

Technology Changes

This includes seeking and bringing in a new system, transitioning to a better, similar system, upgrading features and renewing contracts.


A sample collection of projects that spotlight relevant works, presented in short videos.

Let’s have a conversation about your biggest challenges in getting ready for your upcoming project, moving from idea to realization or a technology change on the horizon.

Click on the Contact page in the menu or simply call me at (414) 397-2844.